Latest Episodes

Builder Tips from WordCamp Europe 2023 Speakers
We continue our tradition and highlight some of the voices from WordCamp Europe 2023 speakers.

A Blend of WordCamp Europe, WordPress and WooCommerce with Sjoerd Blom
Sjoerd, the global lead from WordCamp Europe joins us to talk more about the event and his life with WooCommerce and WordPress.

A Product Deep Dive with Wilson Favre-Delerue
In this episode we take a deeper look at Sendcloud with Wilson and what shipping automation means to a developer or freelancer.

Speaking at WordPress Events with Michelle Frechette
We have a great conversation of tips and experiences when it comes to speaking at WordPress events.

Enterprise, Education and Hosting with Krešimir Končić
For our first Woo AgencyChat, Krešimir brings some really cool insights and experiences working with enterprise clients with WooCommerce.

20 Years of Hosting with Bryan Muthig
Bryan finds A2 Hosting celebrating their 20th alongside WordPress. And that is 20 years of hosting stories and experience.