Latest Episodes

A WordCamp Europe Finale with Bōggie Yanishen and Carl Alexander
In the last recorded episode via WordCamp Europe, Carl and Bōggie end the series with a fun conversation.

The Future of Payment with David Mainayar and Robert Windisch
David and Robert have a lively discussion around payments, hosting and WooCommerce.

WooCommerce Tutorials and an End of an Era
Awhile back I made the decision to not write anymore tutorials. Now I have taken that a step further and deleted all past tutorials.

Hosting and WooCommerce Perspectives with Daugirdas Jankus
Daugirdas Jankus from Hostinger shares a bit of hosting history, thoughts on WooCommerce and the challenges that come with it.

WordCamps Moving Forward with Robert Windisch and Milan Ivanović
Robert and Milan sit down for a friendly chat about WordCamp Europe and the future of WordCamps.

CI/CD, Continuous Integration and Deployment with Maciek Palmowski
Integration, testing and deployment. An in-depth developer chat on WordPress and WooCommerce.